Brand Strategy & Discovery

In preparation for our upcoming meeting, please fill out the questions below to the best of your ability.

  • Provide the web address for your homepage or primary landing page.
  • Keep it short. Whatever first comes to mind.
  • Example: Consulting (40%), Workshops (30%), Keynote (20%), Books (10%)
  • Example: My online course is currently driving 10% of my annual sales, but I want it to be 50%.
  • Example: I start with a discovery call, which could lead to an in-person training workshop, which could lead to one-on-one coaching and/or online training opportunities.
  • Example: Word-of-mouth referrals (50%), Outbound marketing (25%), My website (15%), Networking (5%), Other (5%)
  • Be as specific as possible. Example: Women in positions of leadership at Fortune-500 companies
  • If not, how are they different, and what are some things you think could be causing the disconnect?
  • Think about the struggles they may be facing, and how what you offer could help.
  • Include any certifications, credentials, experience, and/or areas of expertise.
  • As best you can, please explain your motivating factor, i.e. your passion behind your business.